Detox Programs
Drainage + Detoxification
Sluggish drainage pathways of the colon, liver, lymph, skin, lungs and kidneys will result in various health issues.
Not sure if your detox pathways are sluggish?
If you are experiencing the following, you may consider deeper cleansing to support your body and drainage pathways.
Brain fog
Memory issues
Frequent urination
Chronic skin conditions
Bloating and swelling
Food intolerances
Stubborn weight retention
Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
Autoimmune disease
Supporting your detox organs is a helpful way to clear congestion, allowing for better blood and lymph flow, improving how well your body eliminates endogenous and exogenous waste, as well as allowing for better delivery of nutrients, genes and hormones to your tissues.
Think of the body as a city with highways. What might happen when there’s a lot of traffic and grocery trucks carrying nutritious food can’t get to the grocery stores - or garbage trucks can’t get the garbage out - communities don’t get the nutrients they need to thrive and the build-up of garbage and waste lends to attracting vermin and fermentation. Left untreated, that city might become sick and its citizens might not recognize the place they once called home.
Safe cleansing of your tissues opens your extracellular matrix allowing for better detoxification and delivery of nutrients that support homeostasis and you feeling (and looking) your best!
My detox programs improve the health of your terrain and will help you effectively clear the highways of your body while also improving your pH, an essential outcome to keep pathogenic overgrowth at bay. The results speak for themselves and you will feel the improvement in flow.
All of the cleanses I use in practice are from Zencleanz, are traditional Chinese medicine and are enzyme-based. They are naturally rich in nutrition, continuing to deliver what your liver and cells need to effectively participate in phases 1, 2 and 3 of detoxification. The cleanses are easy to use, are completed over the course of 1, 2, or 7 days, and deliver incredible results!
Detox Steps
Step 1: Colon Hydrotherapy
This step is often essential for people to prep their bodies for deeper detoxification. It is key to open the distal drainage point before addressing your other detox organs, otherwise, you may experience what’s called a Herxheimer reaction (detox symptoms) which can be very uncomfortable. We want to work smarter, not harder, and we want you to feel your best as you detox, so prepping your pathways with a series of colonics can yield better results as you move through your program.
Step 2: Intestinal Cleansing
The next step in safely opening up drainage is to address your small intestine. By removing the mucoid plaque in the small intestine, you will experience less abdominal discomfort, food sensitivities, and immune dysregulation. You will also improve the absorption of the nutrients you consume. An essential part of detoxification is making sure your liver and cells get the nutrition they need to neutralize toxins, so optimizing the absorption of nutrients is an important piece of healing.
For many people, the lining of their small intestine is compromised by an accumulation of unprocessed materials such as dead cells, mucus, old undigested food, microbes, and toxins. The enzyme-based cleanses I use in practice work to bind unprocessed waste in the small intestine, allowing for better secretion of essential digestive enzymes and absorption of nutrients.
Step 3: Liver-Gallbladder Flush
For many people, the pH of their tissues is too acidic, creating a perfect environment for parasitic and pathogenic overgrowth. Alkaline diets, mineral-rich water and stress management are foundational approaches to balancing your pH. However, what I’ve clinically observed in the 10+ years in practice is many people who live a balanced and healthy lifestyle are still suffering from acidic tissues resulting in pathogenic overgrowth (SIBO, parasitic infections, etc.), IBS, food intolerances, autoimmune flares, and skin conditions.
This step in cleansing involves flushing the liver-gallbladder pathway, helping to purge gallstones (without pain), liver flukes, accumulated fats and more. By creating bandwidth in this pathway, you will achieve better bile flow which helps to emulsify dietary fats (essential for gut and brain health, cellular metabolism, hormone production, etc.) and neutralize fat-soluble toxins. This alone helps to reduce acidity in the body by eliminating the materials which lend to pH dysregulation. This step is often where I see clients “hit the clutch” with their healing.
Step 4: Blood + Lymph Cleanse
Contrary to common belief, toxins and pathogens don’t stay contained to the gut and visceral organs. Unfortunately, for many, their barrier systems are compromised due to chronic stress and toxicity, allowing antigens to travel freely throughout the body. Our bodies were never designed to handle the amount of toxins we’re exposed to daily. This often leads to our sponge-like organs holding toxicity, as well as our blood and lymph housing toxicity vs effectively eliminating it.
The blood and lymph cleanse helps to clean the ‘waters’ of our city, allowing for better tissue health. This is achieved via an increase in nutrient-rich fluids to our skin, muscles, organs, and connective tissue. This step in cleansing aims to support the spleen and other important blood and lymph-cleansing tissue. This will also help improve the quality and count of red and white blood cells and, therefore, upregulate immune function. It will also support you in feeling and looking your best!
Some may need to oscillate between steps 1, 2, and 4 before engaging in step 3. This depends on how sick one is when coming to me, and we can decide this together as we move through our work.
Zencleanz offers additional cleansing steps, which I personally love and recommend once you complete steps 1-4 above. The additional cleansing steps include the lungs and kidneys. More information on those cleanses and other supportive enzymes in detoxification can be found in the link below.
Steps To Safe Cleansing
For some, cleansing efforts aren’t finished once they complete the blood + lymph step. Supporting detoxification on a cellular level may be indicated after following these four steps; however, pushing premature cellular detoxification will often result in people feeling much worse.
Try to avoid falling into the trap of rushing detoxification.
You didn’t get sick overnight so try to stay realistic of the time it will take to undo the congestion you’re currently dealing with.
Take a look at the image below to get a better understanding of how to safely approach cleansing the body.
Order Your Cleanses
This link will lead you to my cleanse store page which offers a 5% discount.
Or use the code: BEWELLWITHHOPE for 5% off your purchase.
Orders over $550 USD will provide free shipping!
Step 2: Intestinal Cleanse
Step 3: Liver-Gallbladder Flush
Step 4: Lymph + Blood Cleanse
Need Additional Support?
Zencleanz has a thriving Telegram group. They respond to questions quickly and thoroughly. You can add yourself to the group here.
Additionally, I am not always available in the moment for consulting outside of scheduled coaching sessions. If you quickly need 1:1 support during your cleanse, my colleague Kailey is available. You can contact her directly via WhatsApp (contact QR below). She is a wealth of knowledge and has been through the cleanse series herself!
Who IS Zencleanz?
Zencleanz was founded by a Canadian, named Zuman Rev. He travelled to Asia over 20 years ago to heal himself using traditional Chinese medicine. After finding success using 3-year fermented fruits, Zencleanz was born. He first started with the One Cleanse (Intestinal) and has now branched out to offer a comprehensive system to cleanse the whole body.
Zencleanzes products have all the nutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes necessary for your body to perform phases 1, 2 and 3 of detoxification.
In the 15 years of working as a Functional Health Coach, I’ve never seen anything work as effectively, be so organized and easy to use, and have such a supportive, responsive and educational community.
A Word On Chronic Illness
Many who come to me are dealing with a host of health complaints. IBS, constipation, chronic loose stool, autoimmune disease, skin irritation, mental health issues, foggy brain, poor sleep, dysregulated hormones and more, are all common presentations in my office.
The driving force behind these symptoms is often two-fold; a chronically elevated sympathetic response (intense stress), and poor detoxification and therefore accumulation of overwhelming toxicity in the body.
For you to overcome your chronic symptoms, you can benefit greatly from adopting new stress management techniques (we can strategize in coaching sessions) and beginning to safely engage in these steps.
I’ve spoken often in my practice about the ‘toxic bucket’ analogy, where symptoms only begin to appear once the bucket (your body) is filled to the brim with toxicity. In order to create bandwidth for your body and reduce your symptoms we must regulate stress and strategically open drainage to allow the body the space to engage in its health-supportive metabolic functions.
The length of time it takes to heal depends on how well you adhere to the stress management, nutritional and detox strategies we create.
Setting Up For Success
The most important place to begin supporting detoxification is the colon. If your colon meridians are congested, no amount of cellular or organ detox efforts will take root. The body knows when drainage pathways are congested and pushing detox without opening up colon drainage can result in what’s called a Herxheimer reaction -, when your body can’t deal with the number of toxins coming down the pipeline, it will present with differing inflammatory symptoms such as flu-like symptoms, increased IBS, skin irritation, mood dysregulation and more.
To avoid this, be sure to do a series of 4-6 colonics before beginning the Zencleanz series. You won’t regret it.
On A Personal Note
Full disclosure, in 2021 I shut down my practice of over 10 years due to severe metabolic dysregulation. I had suffered consistently from severe IBS, food intolerances, SIBO, parasitic infections, breast implant illness and subsequent en bloc explain removal, major depressive disorder, suicidal ideation, generalized anxiety, inflammatory skin conditions, insomnia, PMDD and starting peri-menopause at 37 years old, and to top it all off, a gnarly intolerance to mycotoxins and mold.
For 5 years I was suffering and declining at a steady pace. The high-functioning, joyful, optimistic version of me that I had always loved, was surely slipping away. I was devasted at how my life was turning out as I approached 40 and prayed for the deep healing I had always craved but couldn’t access.
In the last 3 years, after years of trying different progressive protocols, I leaned solely on stress management and draiange efforts - somatic therapy, colon hydrotherapy, and 5 Zencleanzes later, I am free from the chronic debilitating symptoms and have finally found stability and regulation with my health.
There are many ways for people to overcome chronic health issues - this was how I’ve ended up on the other side of suffering and how I support my clients every day in also doing so.
The results speak for themselves. I am truly honoured and proud to offer this cleansing system to my community.
Stay Hopeful + Be Well.
Cassandra Hope