Ready to push the reset button?

The CTRL ALT + DELETE program is an 8 week, virtual, live group coaching program, for all genders, to go from not understanding why nothing seems to help their gut and mood improve, to completely aware of the behaviours, situations and factors that lead to an unhealthy gut / brain connection. I teach people how to know their needs so deeply, that they know how to self-regulate and restore balance in the gut | brain connection.


Do you feel like this is you?

✔️ “I’m sick of nothing working.”

✔️ “Everything I try unravels after slight success!”

✔️ “I just want to have a good night’s sleep!”

✔️ “If I don’t shit soon, I’m gonna check myself into a hospital.”

✔️ “at the first sign of stress, I’m running to the bathroom!”

✔️ “I’ve made the choice to go on pharma but I still want to know how I can heal my body holistically.”

I’m Cassandra Hope, a tenacious AF, curious, science-geek, who’s cracked the code on metabolic dysfunction after periods of heightened stress.

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I, too, spent year after year trying to unravel the tight knot (my body and mind) that presented with chronic IBS, reoccurring infections, and mood dysregulation. I often felt like I was falling down the rabbit hole, no way to grab on, falling deeper and deeper into a state of myself I didn’t recognize. I was coping, uncomfortable in my own skin and sick of being so afraid of food, my weight, other people, and my symptoms. I not-so-quickly realized that I wasn’t dramatic, or broken or unworthy of living a day without great physical and emotional discomfort. In time, I realized that I had to get to the root of my chronic immune and mood issues. I had to look at my nervous system and why it was behaving the way it was, and creating an inflammatory storm inside my body 24 / 7.

You don’t have food allergies because food is inherently out to ruin your social life.

Your nervous system has rewired itself after periods of heightened stress and it’s stuck.

I designed the CTRL ALT DELETE program to address the root causes of gut / brain dysfunction. I help people learn how their bodies work, why they got sick, how to recognize internal and external triggers and develop a relevant tool box so they can self-regulate, and in turn, maintain consistent gut brain health.

The CTRL ALT + DELETE program

You are designed to have great gut and mental health.
Chronic IBS, gut infections and mood instability are NOT a result of you not being worthy of living a ‘normal’ life!

Chronic gut | brain dysfunction is a result of a damaged nervous system after periods of heightened stress, and in turn, an unhealthy gut.
CTRL ALT DELETE will help you understand the first domino that fell which set off a cascade of gut | brain symptoms and discomfort and teach you how to maintain this incredible machinery (our bodies), as well as how to upgrade the software of its computer.


Understand the Neuroscience
of Chronic Stress

We’ll cover...

✔️ What part of the brain is activated when experiencing periods of heightened stress.

✔️ What happens to our metabolism when we experience periods of heightened stress.

✔️ Which parts of the brain control the different emotional and physical parts of us.

✔️ What happens in vagus, nurtures the vagus. It’s worth deeply understanding this nerve.


The Gut / Brain

We’ll cover…

✔️ The days of feeling like neuroscience is too complicated to study are over.

✔️ Understand the neural networks that are connecting between the gut and brain, as well as how that’s lending to poor or great gut and mental health.

✔️ How to recognize the signs of latent infections, how to test for them and what to do with the results.

✔️ How to stay true to you and live life while needing to consider certain food boundaries to help heal your gut (and brain!).


Learn Research-Based Approaches to Strategies That Work

We’ll cover...

✔️ The different types of tools available to help change the way we think about ourselves, our health and happiness.

✔️ A proven method to identify and clear infections which are often present in stressed-out bodies.

✔️ How to achieve balance and know how to return there when you’re thrown off course. It’s completely normal and expected to divert from a strictly intentional life.

I teach you how to how to leave shame at the door, and know how to care for your own gut | brain health for decades to come.


You’ll receive…



8 = virtual group coaching meetings, held with new intentions each week. We’ll cover everything from our brain and gut to implementation and movement.



Awesome worksheets to help pull concepts together and self-identify opportunities for relevant steps going forward.



Wholistic strategies (that you actually want to do) to help you heal your gut / brain connection.



Access to a closed FB group with people who have also done the program and can help to unpack questions with a community vibe.



Discounted rates to work with me to strategically work on your own specific needs and challenges. Also, a 30% discount on all functional lab testing.



A coach to support you with a compassion heart and lots of love. I’m here for you.

What’s the price of chronic gut brain dysfunction?

How much connection, indulgence, peace and opportunities have you missed because of your chronic gut brain symptoms? Maybe you don’t already know that the brain reshapes itself after periods of heightened stress, and negatively affects our digestive, nervous and hormonal systems.


Gut / brain axis dysfunction presents as…

✔️ Ever-mounting food intolerances
✔️ A painful and bloated belly
✔️ Serious carb and sugar cravings
✔️ Nervousness, fidgeting, burnout
✔️ Shit sleep!
✔️ Skin disorders and chronic inflammation
✔️ Depression, apathy and low mood
✔️ Skipping dinner parties from fear of food + social interactions
✔️ Rumination, procrastination, avoidance and overwhelm

It also affects…

✔️Our relationships
✔️ Travel plans
✔️Career opportunities
✔️Our mental health
✔️Our desire to be intimate

It’s time to push the reset button.

$10 from each sale of CTRL + ALT + DELETE will be donated to my fundraiser The Stigma Effect, an annual campaign to end the stigmatization of mental illness + addiction.

donations are made to CAMH, a toronto hospital dedicated to the research and treatment of mental illnesses + addiction.

— cassandra hope